Your home is probably the most expensive purchase you will make in your lifetime. To protect this important asset, you want to ensure you have the most comprehensive homeowner’s insurance policy in place. The goal is to acquire the most coverage available at a favorable premium. Your mortgage holder will, in most cases, require you to maintain coverage to cover your outstanding loan amount. However, we work with our clients to ensure not only are the interests of the mortgage holder met but your interests as well.
When life throws you a curveball and your home is damaged, your homeowner’s policy will suddenly become extremely important. Surprisingly we find that most clients do not actually know what coverages they carry and, in many cases, we find that most clients are either over or underinsured. When reviewing your coverages we need to ask? Will your personal possessions be replaced? Are you protected against vandalism or theft? Will you have access to funds for accommodations if your home has become unlivable? What if someone were to get hurt on your property?
In many instances, we find that general liability coverages are only $300,000.00 we work with our clients to find a solution that is right for you and to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses. Protect your greatest investment with a homeowner’s policy that makes sense. Contact us today your local agent and we will review your coverages and will work with you to ensure your most valuable asset is properly protected.